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SL700 BIVP-Roof-Panel

SL700 BIVP-Roof-Panel is specially designed for photovoltaic roof integration.

Introduction  of  SL 700 BIVP-Roof-Panel

SL 700 BIVP-Roof-Panel ,the height of the rib is 43 mm, and the width is 700mm. There are three ribs in total, and the small rib in the middle is used for placing photovoltaic panels. Use special clamps to fix photovoltaic panels to ensure the stability of photovoltaic panels.

Advantages of SL 700 BIVP-Roof-Panel

  • Excellent fastening performance and wind resistance
  • Transverse ribs enhance the strength and rigidity of the panel, suitable for roofs with larger spans
  • New patented fixed support
  • Excellent leak-proof performance, providing mobile factory on-site production.
  • It is recommended that the minimum slope of the roof is 1 (1/50), and the material ≥550MPa should be used

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